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Prof (Dr) Manoj Joshi


Dr. Manoj Joshi is a Fellow Institution of Engineers, Professor of Strategy, Director, Centre for VUCA Studies, Amity University, with 30+ years of experience in industry & research. He has authored 100+ articles, co-authored four books “VUCA in Start-ups” “The VUCA Company”, “The VUCA Learner”, “Technology Business Incubators” and is also on the Editorial Board of several international refereed Journals.

Latest Articles By Prof (Dr) Manoj Joshi

Geopolitical Resilience For Indian Companies

Global functioning and stability assumptions are now frequently put to the test by both predicted and unanticipated events that can happen quickly

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Indians Are Coming! Leveraging Looming Global Skills Shortage

The policy makers should look at the following suggestions to make Indian technical & managerial skills to be exported in larger numbers

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Cultivating Beginner’s Mind for Managing in VUCA Time

The decline of even the most successful business is inevitable at some time. This is true of individuals as well as organisations

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How Can We Ignite Entrepreneurship With Funding Challenge?

There are several questions on the selection of various funding sources and handling the funding procedures

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No Business Strategy Lasts Forever

We are witnessing an increasing number of black swan events in a VUCA world, and the future cannot be taken for granted.

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When Technology Embraces Learning!

Learning never stops at the doorstep of an educational institution, rather life is the greatest teacher and technology gives us the leeway to leverage it for reverse integrating into the initial learning phases itself

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Angels, Kylians And Messiahs In A VUCA World

For those who watched the finals between Argentina and France, the names Angel, Kylian and Messi must have lodged themselves deep into their being

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Strategies For Promoting Entrepreneurship And Creating Student Start-Ups

Entrepreneurship is the need of the hour and there cannot be better than the present time. In this context the educational institutions must gear-up

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Future Ready Governance for 21st Century India - Foresight Makes The Difference

Governments in the VUCA age must prepare themselves for both the slow-moving future as electric vehicles have been developing for the past 50 years and the unpredictable such as Covid19

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An Unexpected Learner: Genghis Khan’s Obsession With Continuous Learning

The learning and art of knowledge transfer may follow formal or informal, theoretical or experiential route but what is central to the subject is that learning must be continuous. These are the skills of an agile and resilient leader.

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