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Prof (Dr) Manoj Joshi


Dr. Manoj Joshi is a Fellow Institution of Engineers, Professor of Strategy, Director, Centre for VUCA Studies, Amity University, with 30+ years of experience in industry & research. He has authored 100+ articles, co-authored four books “VUCA in Start-ups” “The VUCA Company”, “The VUCA Learner”, “Technology Business Incubators” and is also on the Editorial Board of several international refereed Journals.

Latest Articles By Prof (Dr) Manoj Joshi

Horticulture 4.0: The Plant Factories For Agricultural Exports

Marginal farmers with less than two hectares of land account for 86.2% of all farmers, but own just 47.3% of the arable land, not enough to farm marketable surplus as well as contribute to exports.

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Creativity And Innovation In A VUCA World

Seeing that the innovation process is critical for company’s success in the markets, and for its existence, it is important that a relation between the network, structure, culture, motivation, skills and learning be established within the innovative firm.

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India’s Competitor In Exports Is Not China But Industry 4.0

Can India reposition itself with the pandemic threatening life, disrupting the economy and on the other side a surge in demand for recreating the ‘New India’, post Covid-19?

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VUCA Challenges: The Business of Telecom in India

With progression in society, things have started evolving on a daily basis across the world that cannot be possible without technological changes.

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Leadership After Coronavirus: Explorers Show the Way in Healthcare

Coronavirus will change the complexion of all industries and many new opportunities will appear, weak signals of which are already being received.

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Irrationally-Rational! How Marketers Are Influencing Consumer Psyche?

In a VUCA world where the consumers are experimenters, they are more prone to irrational buying behaviour

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Mavericks: Innovators For The VUCA World

Mavericks may lead to unconformity, promoting imagination, independence at times belligerence. So, if you are looking at innovation, a disruptive one, look for these mavericks! Are you too a maverick?

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De Novo & De Alio Innovating Firms In A VUCA World

The more complex and dynamic environment as in VUCA, the more will be the chances of firms engaging in innovation and inclining towards incremental or radical reforms

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The Eco-Politics Of CPEC And India

Off late China-Pakistan relationship has emerged as an important development in South Asia, which must be closely watched. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and linking of Gwadar Port is an ambitious strategic plan by Chinese 'One Belt One Road' project. With this, China is eying to address multiple objectives. The development of CPEC is major step towards projection of its power outside its borders and an expansion of its territorial supremacy, which is a latent desire

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Have You Revisited Your Assumptions Lately?

When choosing a successor, Jack Welch had the wisdom of shedding his assumptions and probably realised that his leadership style was obsolete even at GE

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