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Prof (Dr) Manoj Joshi


Dr. Manoj Joshi is a Fellow Institution of Engineers, Professor of Strategy, Director, Centre for VUCA Studies, Amity University, with 30+ years of experience in industry & research. He has authored 100+ articles, co-authored four books “VUCA in Start-ups” “The VUCA Company”, “The VUCA Learner”, “Technology Business Incubators” and is also on the Editorial Board of several international refereed Journals.

Latest Articles By Prof (Dr) Manoj Joshi

Perspective, 80 Points Of The IQ

IQ measures logical reasoning and pattern recognition. But a different way of looking at an issue can cut through and bypass step-by-step reasoning

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Putinomics: Orchestrating Divisive Energy And Tale Of Rising Ruble

The rise of the ‘Ruble’ may simply take out the wind from their sails. Contesting economics, is this the new Russian Chessboard of Putinomics?

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Changing Role Of Chartered Accountants In Today’s VUCA & Digital World

It is time to embrace the change and accept the new medium of digitalisation as a new weapon in profession

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In VUCA – Doubt Is Good, Embrace It

By visualising multiple futures and working back to the present, companies can prepare for any VUCA event. Doubt should not be seen as leading to pain and paralysis but a productive form of questioning and discovery

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Fostering FinTech Start-Ups: A Revolution In Banking And Financial Services

Startups, Banking and Financial Service Institutions (BFSI), and technology with the rise of Fintech-based entrepreneurial firms

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Entrepreneurship Is Built Around A Vision And Foresight: Are You Nurturing It?

The entrepreneurial enterprises are created, nurtured and made viable by following six sequential stages

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Critical Uncertainties And Future Readiness In The Post-Covid-19 World

Instead of relying on the prediction of experts, CEOs should jumpstart the exercise by looking at and launching discussion about the four types of futures to obtain a broad understanding of the future.

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Harnessing Creativity And Innovation In Efficient Logistics

To put it succinctly, the supply chain managers require constant innovation and creativity to keep up with the prevalent trends in Supply chain management and outshine in the inscrutable environment of threats and prospects.

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The Innovation Pandemonium: Challenges And Barriers To Innovation

Innovation is an engine and a competitive factor at any level, with several operational factors.

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How Can Retailers Capitalise Upon Technology?

This digital revolution and supported technologies have come as a recluse, improvising upon planning and towards decision making. Alas, technology is on mode, caress!

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