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Prof (Dr) Manoj Joshi


Dr. Manoj Joshi is a Fellow Institution of Engineers, Professor of Strategy, Director, Centre for VUCA Studies, Amity University, with 30+ years of experience in industry & research. He has authored 100+ articles, co-authored four books “VUCA in Start-ups” “The VUCA Company”, “The VUCA Learner”, “Technology Business Incubators” and is also on the Editorial Board of several international refereed Journals.

Latest Articles By Prof (Dr) Manoj Joshi

The Golden Egg Of A Black Swan

In a globally interconnected economy, events move more quickly now than they did earlier, so the speed of crafting and delivering mitigation strategy is essential

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Lessons From Demonetisation | Navigating Uncharted Waters In VUCA Times

We cannot predict the future but we should make sure the next generation is not overwhelmed by sudden events but leverage its upheavals as strategically as possible to take advantage of new opportunities

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Farsightedness In Policy Making

In a VUCA world, it is time for government to move towards anticipatory governance, which takes the results of scenario planning to its next level

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Lessons From Demonetisation

The biggest impact of demonetisation has been on the informal sector and agriculture, which account for 80 per cent of employment. This economy is predominantly cash-driven and a reduction in consumption would have a cascading effect on FMCG and other sectors

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