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Shivjeet Kullar


The author is a legendary ad man who has won over a 100 awards in his career. He is also an author, a novelist a playwright and song writer. Now he has founded the unusual and powerful website which helps power other websites, brands and businesses ahead

Latest Articles By Shivjeet Kullar

Family Or Friends

Family rocks! They love you they support you they make you feel you belong. They are like a soft blanket – the expensive kind with feathers inside!

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Where Are You From?

Tell people to stop asking where you are from. Because that’s a place that just happened

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As You Are

And everyone trying to Change you. Mould you. Improve you. Modify you. Motivate you. Push you. Energise you. Exorcise you. Compare you.

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How To Pretend You’re Rich

Here are some ways to pretend and act like you are rich

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Those Who Are Left Behind

The motto of our school. which was ‘Let there be light’ now seemed to be ‘Let there be doubt’ – and all that we can do is stand and watch from the sidelines!

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It’s Not In My Nature

Many people are moving to hills to find peace and tranquility

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Stay Cool, Stay Young

Keep young company. Try and keep a connect with your 25 or 30-year-old grand-kids then it helps keep your mind open

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Some Give All

Any great endeavour involves total uncertainty and complete self-belief. One hundred thousand teenagers pursue cricket but only 11 make the Indian team

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A Salute To The Start Ups

To find out what their world is all about let's break down Start Ups

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Does Stress Exist?

Stress is different things to different people. Stress is how you see something. Not what it is

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