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Shivjeet Kullar


The author is a legendary ad man who has won over a 100 awards in his career. He is also an author, a novelist a playwright and song writer. Now he has founded the unusual and powerful website which helps power other websites, brands and businesses ahead

Latest Articles By Shivjeet Kullar

What’s Your God Strategy?

So how do you find God? You don’t have to. He or she is in you, around you, has created you...

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The Maya Of A CEO

Being a CEO, there’s no one to run to. A disruption in the market – it’s your problem. Resignations. Designations. Missed targets. Competition. Losses. Funding lines. Shareholder unhappiness. It’s all your problem

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Pass Percentage In Life!

Don't take life 100 per cent seriously. You have 0 per cent chance of getting out of it alive

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An Insight Called 24 ÷ U

You'll only have 24 hours in the day. And even 10 million bucks won't buy you an extra minute. Which should give you a perspective on life

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If I Were A Woman!

Women are mostly sweet and sensitive, always have a little girl in them and rarely have beards or moustaches

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Point Blank: What To Say?

In a few days time I have to speak to hundreds of DU students from different colleges at an auditorium. The topic is up to me but since I'm a advertising/branding/creative/digital person I'm presuming that they don't expect me to speak about 'Urban town planning in the smart cities context' or the 'Effects of open defecation in semi rural areas'

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A Start Up Called Donald Trump

Figure out the weak point of who you're up against. Everyone felt that Hillary was better than Trump but was she too much better?

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Of The VisPlaDes Formula!

In many gatherings that I go to now, where people realise that we seem to be building a successful startup, I get asked a lot of questions

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Point Blank: Keynote Killer!

When a guru preaches there are those in the audience with an IQ of 160, but there are those with half that — he has to connect with them all

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Demonetisation Dotcom

Everyone has been affected. Everyone has a view. Apparently the PM’s app tells him 90 per cent of the people think it’s a good thing

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