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Shivjeet Kullar


The author is a legendary ad man who has won over a 100 awards in his career. He is also an author, a novelist a playwright and song writer. Now he has founded the unusual and powerful website which helps power other websites, brands and businesses ahead

Latest Articles By Shivjeet Kullar

Those Were The Daze My Son

And when the time comes for him to go as God calls him he looks upwards in a dazed relieved manner.It’s the very same look he had when he arrived dazed and confused into this world

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Miracles, Magic And Madness

Stop and think. Really think of all the times you’ve been saved by a coincidence, by a stroke of luck. That resignation letter you never sent...

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Do Worry, Be Happy

The emotion that comes and goes like the rainbow is Happiness. That which stays deep in your core like the sun anchoring the universe is Joy

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Haven’t We Been Here Before?

Then came the ‘stings in the tale’ – every deal has them. Just when you think it’s all done...

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Now Upgrade Your Heart

So shift your heart from thin band to broadband. From 2G to 4G. Become a router for empathy

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End Of Life Advice

Live life a day at a time. Even better an hour at a time

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Keep Calm And Keep Going

The key is little rituals that slow things down. Like feeding pigeons that come to your ledge. Or sipping a glass of wine every evening. Or writing a journal of your thoughts every evening. I gave up smoking a year ago and really, really miss it

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Keep The Faith — You Will Prevail

Stop imagining the worst. I like to tell people. If you can imagine the unlikeliest scenario like getting run over on the road. Then why not imagine winning a million dollar lottery also. Both are as likely.

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I’m Brave Enough To Say I’m Not Brave

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master; If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same;

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Three Years Of Modi Govt: Modi Poems

BW Businessworld columnist compiled a list of poems on three years of Modi government

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