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Dr Sandeep Goyal


The author was Founder Chairman of Dentsu India. He has authored Konjo – The Fighting Spirit and Japan Made Easy, both Harper Collins publications, on his 25 years of working with Japan.

Latest Articles By Dr Sandeep Goyal

Why Beautifying Mumbai’s Walls Is A Good Idea

The idea of a ‘city in flux’, discussed at MUAF, will surely help in the creation of more and more permanent outdoor murals and a more beautiful Mumbai

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Kissa Wheelchair Ka

My own minor disability has taught me a valuable lesson that the airlines must also consider: when comparing service delivery, consider the passenger with the least resources rather than the most advantaged

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How About A Code Of Conduct For Indian Celebrities?

The government is putting guidelines in place, even making laws stricter, but no real hi-profile prosecution or conviction has really happened as a visible deterrent

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To Board Or Not To Board? The Indigo Imbroglio

The disabled must get their dignity and respect. But then business too should not always be maligned and mauled. Fifty-fifty

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Purchasing Power Parity And The Big Mac Index

The Big Mac Index may represent the over-the-counter price of just one burger. But then the price of a Big Mac is itself the result of many local economic factors, such as the price of the ingredients, local wages, and how much it costs to put up billboards and buy TV ads

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Why Punjab’s Agro Climatic Zones Need Better Understanding For Future Cropping

The debate around agri zones is not really new. In the past several attempts have been made to delineate major agro-ecological regions in respect to soils, climate, physiographic and natural vegetation for macro-level planning on a more scientific basis.

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Fifty-Fifty: Should Air India Continue To Use The Maharajah?

The answer to the Maharajah’s continued usage may actually be somewhat counter-intuitive. Maybe he should just become a corporate symbol, like a logo and shed some of his active versatility.

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Fifty-Fifty: Marketing To Bharat Needs Different Strokes, Deeper Understanding

You would be surprised to know that our traditional calendar actually has a day even for scribes and journalists – Narad Jayanti – dedicated to Sage Narada who was the universal divine messenger and primary source of information among the Gods. So the nuggets of opportunity are really for innovative brand thinkers to find, fund and fan! Bharat is just waiting. For stuff that is more relatable, more ‘me’.

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Fifty-Fifty: Sundarlal Bahuguna : A Prophet Easily Ignored

Sundarlal Bahuguna was the most passionate voice behind the anti-Tehri Dam protests for decades.

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Fifty-Fifty: Salaried Professional Vs Entrepreneur - Is One The Better Choice?

The biggest joy of entrepreneurship is that every day is a new day. A new challenge. A new mountain to climb.

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