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Dr Sandeep Goyal


The author was Founder Chairman of Dentsu India. He has authored Konjo – The Fighting Spirit and Japan Made Easy, both Harper Collins publications, on his 25 years of working with Japan.

Latest Articles By Dr Sandeep Goyal

Fifty-Fifty: Where Do You Draw The Line These Days?

The fond belief is that it has all nothing to do with me. What have I to do with booze advertising or online gambling?

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Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi: Is There Trouble In Paradise?

The results of the bidding will be known in a couple of weeks. Whatever be the verdict on the channel of choice, one thing is for sure: millions of viewers are waiting excitedly for the return of Kabadddi Kabaddi Kabaddi to their television screens!

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Fifty-Fifty: New Presidency: New Themes, New Memes

Will President Biden’s tenure be all dull and boring? The red button, the stutter and the mittens only indicate that despite ‘old’ Biden being somewhat colourless and unexcitable, there is a good fifty-fifty chance that the next four years will still give us our share of lighter moments and uplifting narratives.

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Fifty-Fifty: In 2021, I Want To Live Life By ‘Doing Nothing’

A bit of a late realisation, but a self-discovery nevertheless arrived at after much introspection.

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Fifty-Fifty: 2020 In One Word : What’s Yours?

Forget 2020. What is my single word for 2021? “Normalcy”? The usual, as usual. But is it really so? “Normalcy” is also subjective. 2020 introduced us to the “new” normal.

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Fifty-Fifty: Why Indigo Stock Is So Good To Buy

One would think that in today’s day-and-age customer service would be a sine quo non in the airlines business. But Indigo is surely an exception.

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Fifty-Fifty: Cricketers Endorsing Mutual Funds Sahi Hai?

Do they have the expertise to give the advice in the first place? And what if consumers suffer a financial loss after heeding the advice?

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Fifty-Fifty: Celebs Served With A Pinch Of Salt

The current superstars are hired out by the hour literally. It is all cut-and-dried and simply cash-and-carry. And now that many have talent agencies handling them?

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Fifty-Fifty: So How Much Chinese Is Chinese?

The distancing may be only symbolic, but the message will be resounding. It will be a salute to the tiranga, and to those who are staking their lives to protect it. I rest my case.

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The Compassionate Me and the Commercial Me Are the Same Person: Sonu Sood

BW Businessworld columnist and advertising professional Sandeep Goyal chats with the man-of-thehour, actor Sonu Sood

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