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Dr Sandeep Goyal


The author was Founder Chairman of Dentsu India. He has authored Konjo – The Fighting Spirit and Japan Made Easy, both Harper Collins publications, on his 25 years of working with Japan.

Latest Articles By Dr Sandeep Goyal

Fifty-fifty: 1-Year MBA Vs 2-Years MBA

I could see that the youngster wasn’t quite convinced. Is one better than the other, he insisted on knowing? Or is it simply a matter of choice, he asked?

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Fifty-fifty: Sonu Sood - The Migrant Mahatma From Moga

This Sonu Sood was a different soul, an evolved super-human, a towering personality driven by passion and purpose.

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Fifty-fifty: Advertising’s Tomorrow: Coders Or Copywriters? Consultants Or Creators?

Consultants have a great deal going for them – existing client relationships in most cases; many years of experience of operating at both global and local levels; great understanding of strategic disciplines and proven experience in strategy implementation; deep pockets that agency holding groups no longer possess, and last but not the least a huge talent base which can offer clients quick and impactful end-to-end services.

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Fifty-Fifty: Why ‘Adversity Quotient’ Is So Important Today

To adapt to change what is needed is to: 1. See it. Acknowledge need for change 2. Own it.

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Fifty-Fifty: Surge In Screen Time – A Mixed Blessing?!

Despite the seeming boon of technology in our lives, how do we convert this ‘me time’ of individual family members to a ‘we time’?

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Fifty-fifty: How Japan Successfully Blunted The Corona Bullet

Japan’s ‘lockdown’ was very dissimilar to ours – no baton-happy police, no ‘gedi’ bikers breaking the curfew, no office closures, no desperate attempts to force everyone to stay home.

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Fifty-Fifty: Can ‘ABC’ Rejuvenate Indian Industry?

ABC is ‘Anything But China’! Yes, you heard it right. Anything But China. ABC.

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Fifty-Fifty: Economy & Business Post COVID - Expect The Unexpected

Travel. Tourism. Eating out. Home deliveries. Commerce. Entertainment. Spectator sports. News consumption. Education. Each of these businesses will have to learn to expect the unexpected. What are the chances they will cope, and succeed?

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Lead Review: Perform, Persevere

The book espouses a universal model of leadership, which the authors claim is the first fully integrated model of leadership development

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