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Sangeeta Maheshwari


The author is Inner Happiness Mentor and Founder of Life A Spiritual Gym

Latest Articles By Sangeeta Maheshwari

How To Enjoy Sustained Growth And Happiness In 2022

How can you choose and perform without worrying about the result?

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Is Freedom An External Phenomenon Or Is It An Internal One?

Freedom does not imply choosing a path of a rebellion or a pleaser. Freedom is choosing a course of authenticity that will then align us to our true purpose of life.

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Who Is In-charge Of Your Self-worth?

Self-worth is a much-talked-about phenomenon. This article will explore what self-worth means?

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That Nagging Fear: ‘What Will Those Other People Say?’

We focus on others and desperately desire that they treat us special and help us stand out. Instead of trying to prove ourselves to others, we need to work on how to improve ourselves

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What Will People Say?

Instead of trying to prove to others, we need to work on how to improve ourselves. Once we commit to being faithful friends to ourselves, there will be no need to worry about, "What will people say!"

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Are You Comparing Or Are You Celebrating?

Your comparisons become healthy and inspiring. You look at others to learn from their journey and not feel threatened by their success and pace.

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How Can You Overpower Your Fears?

Every lock comes with a key. For every problem, there is a solution. Step by step, we can collectively create a new, more empowering inner software not by blocking our fears but by working through them.

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Are You Receiving, or Are You Rejecting?

The biggest hurdle to receiving is our limiting mindset that focuses on want More than abundance. What a huge Price we are paying for this. Asking For what you want requires clarity, Courage, and confidence

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Are You Returning To Work Or Working At Home?

The Pandemic has reinforced that working at and from home is more if not equally challenging and requires multitasking and quick decision-making skills.

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Does Change Empower Or Disempower You?

When you embrace courage to change, you will consciously choose wisely and respond to external situations by choice. Or else you will react, thereby losing control, stability, and confidence.

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