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Mansi Chaudhary


Mansi Chaudhary is a practicing Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator, Nutrigenomics Expert & a Holistic Cancer Coach. Her integrative approach towards health & Nutrition helps patients learn about Mindful Eating and manage lifestyle diseases, autoimmune conditions as well as manage weight effectively

Latest Articles By Mansi Chaudhary

Flowers On Your Plate

Add a bouquet of edible flowers to your diet as they are more than just fragrance

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How Common Is Common Cold?

Your body is spring cleaning and preparing you for the oncoming season

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The Darker The Food, The Better It Is!

So while we humans practice racism and prefer fair skins to dark ones, mother nature plays it’s own game and grants more healing powers to darker foods

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Time Your Supplements Right

You can derive maximum health benefits by taking certain supplements at times better suited for them in the day

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Notice The Carcinogens Around You

There’s nothing in your daily existence that cancer doesn’t touch. However, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

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Know Your Root(s) Vegetables!!

Root vegetables are a dietary powerhouse for us because of their ability to hold dense concentration of nutrients like Vit C, B & A besides many other antioxidants

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Fast Forward Your Fertility

Detoxifying the body of the toxic burden accumulated over the last few years helps boost fertility. This includes identifying and eliminating the exposure to toxins, eating a healthy diet and including herbs and nutritional supplements that support the body’s own natural detoxification processes

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Live Longer With Hara Hachi Bu!

To live till 100, hale and hearty, stop at 80 per cent

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If SHE Drinks Like HE Does

Blood alcohol rises faster in women, making them more intoxicated than men at an equivalent amount of alcohol

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Eat Local & Seasonal To Stay Healthy

Let's take a look at the carbon footprint of your food. In the US, the average meal travels 1,500 miles from where it was grown to the plate

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