The ever increasing number of fertility clinics in metros as well as smaller cities clearly suggests that human fertility levels for both genders have witnessed a dramatic decline over the last decade or two.
Many urban couples are realizing that they may now not be able to conceive whenever they want. Modern lifestyle has taken a toll on fertility levels due to elevated stress levels, more pollution, frequent use of medicines & drugs, and last but not the least, higher intake of junk and processed food.
And when kids finally happen, they are facing alarmingly frequent incidences of allergies, eczema, autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and even cancer. The next generation’s life expectancy has also shockingly plummeted compared to our own.
So, the first step to restore fertility starts with fixing nutrition and lifestyle lacunae. The goal is not just conception, but an active pregnancy, a smooth delivery and a healthy baby. And do not forget, you need to work on your body and health for at least 6 months before you actually conceive.
Detoxifying the body of the toxic burden accumulated over the last few years helps boost fertility. This includes identifying and eliminating the exposure to toxins, eating a healthy diet and including herbs and nutritional supplements that support the body’s own natural detoxification processes.
Besides managing stress effectively and ensuring sufficient quality sleep, following the guidelines below can help enhance fertility greatly for both women and men, and the stork may visit sooner than you think.
1) Get a thorough check up done before you plan a baby to help you evaluate your health status. Rule out reproductive issues, thyroid malfunction, autoimmune conditions.
Women should try to reach/ be in your IDEAL WEIGHT BRACKET before conceiving to avoid risks such as miscarriage, cardiac dysfunction, thyroid abnormalities, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia and a C-section delivery. For males, being overweight can worsen sperm quality.
2) QUIT SMOKING- Applies to both the partners, men and women. Men can ensure healthier sperm and save their women partners from the risk of passive smoking by quitting. Smoking may reduce chances of conception and lead to genetic mutations. Women smokers have a higher risk of miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies. Their babies have an elevated risk of premature birth, low birth-weight, and having birth defects.
3) VITAMIN INTAKE: Vitamins like Folic acid, Vit D, B vitamins have immense importance when it comes to conceiving naturally, including Omega -3 fats can be favorable for baby’s nervous system. Sunflower seeds can act as a fertility-boosting superfood for both men and women being a rich source of Omega 3 fats and Zinc. Zinc helps boost testosterone levels, and helps improve sperm count and motility.
4) Beneficial HERBS & SUPPLEMENTS that support detoxification and natural fertility include Shatavari, Turmeric, Ashwagandha. Turmeric, known for its incredible anti-inflammatory benefits, can help reduce dampness in reproductive organs and create an ideal internal environment for conception, according to TCM. Maca root is another potent herb known to increase fertility for both genders. Ayurveda supports the role of a popular tonic, Chyawanprash in enhancing fertility.
5) Prefer organic produce and opt for fish with low mercury levels. It is advisable to ensure a well-balanced diet which includes wholegrains, good quality protein, seasonal vegetables, specially leafy greens, fresh fruit and healthy fats. If possible, try and shift preference towards a plant-based diet. Healthy fats can include Ghee, cold pressed oils and nuts and seeds.
6) One aspect that cannot be undermined when talking about good health is a healthy microbiome. By now, we all know that 80 per cent of our immunity is in our gut. You may be amused to know that our gut flora is pretty much determined by the age of 3, all thanks to our mothers. A mother having a healthy gut flora and then giving a vaginal birth and then breastfeeding is equivalent to investing in gold for her baby’s gut flora bank account. So as an aspiring parent, the 3 best things you can follow is to avoid antibiotics, eat a variety of veggies including pickled and fermented ones and take a good probiotic.
7) Watch and limit intake of foods containing refined sugar(as well as artificial sweeteners), alcohol and dairy. Scientific research claims artificial sweeteners may contribute to lowered fertility and affects embryo quality. The effect of consumption of alcohol on fertility is well-documented.
8) Watch and check the medicines you consume for at least 6 months before you conceive. Antibiotics, painkillers, NSAIDS, steroids, antacids all of these leave toxic residues in your system.
9) Practice stress reduction. Stress can mess with your hormones and cause fertility issues. So, pick your healing tool: yoga, meditation, exercise, counseling, making big scary but needed life/work/relationship transformations - just do it. Vanquish that stress and cultivate peace. This equals a better you and better babies.
10) Plastic is a common, yet overlooked toxin. Avoid using plastic to store food products as well as water. Switch to steel/ glass containers for foods and glass/ steel/ copper bottles for water, even on the go.
The world we create today is the world our kids will inherit tomorrow. If we make our choices healthy now, we make our world healthy for them later.