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Steve Correa


The author is Executive Coach and OD Consultant

Latest Articles By Steve Correa

Resilience, A Human Effort Or Gift ?

The 21st Century is characterised by constant change, driven by advancements in technology, globalisation, and shifting customer expectations. As businesses navigate unprecedented challenges, technological advancements, and shifting market dynamics, fostering a culture of resilience is essential for both individual employees and the overall success of organisations

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Why Success & Satisfaction Rarely Meet?

Success leads to achieving a goal or objective, while satisfaction refers to a feeling of contentment or fulfillment

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To Work, Or Not To Work, From Home

With emerging technologies, and improvements in the space of AI and other smart automation, much of manual intervention-based roles and skills can be replaced by machines

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Does Leadership Start From The Top?

Leaders should lead by example and show the behaviour they want to see in their employees. This means demonstrating the values and behaviours that are important to the organisation, such as honesty, integrity, and accountability

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The Art Of The Polite Argument In Business

Effective arguing is an essential skill that requires preparation, an understanding of the opponent's perspective, and the ability to stay focused. Make your voice heard, even without shouting! Make your presence felt, without screaming. Make your points accepted, without hurting. After all, in our lives, we need to make our point, and not enemies

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Emoting Humans, From Caveman To The Digital Era

Expression of human emotions has changed and taken shape over the centuries. In the context of technology, have we evolved ? For this is critical to the way modern businesses operate, and how society accepts or codifies what is normal

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IBC - A W.I.P. Is Better Than R.I.P

Despite much criticism of the IBC, one has to accept that it has proved far more effective than any other way of recovering lender monies. The correct way to validate its effectiveness would be to compare the resolution value to the liquidation value and not the total loans

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On Unconscionable Bargains, All Around Us

Does an employee have the liberty to say ‘no’ to standard employment letter wordings? Do they even stand a chance to negotiate with the almighty HR who stands at the door of their employment opportunity?

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Shaping Excellence Vs Chasing Perfection

In our earlier article, we wrote about celebrating being ordinary. As expected, it evoked many reactions and messages ranging from an emotionally dismissive, ‘ask the author to be ordinary’, to the other counterpoint agreeing that ‘you can get anywhere from being ordinary’ to some even querying ‘what is ordinary?’

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Year End Renewals & Happy New Year Rituals

Rituals, that can discipline the way of living, as a true-north for ethical and morally upright human behaviour are needed

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