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Steve Correa


The author is Executive Coach and OD Consultant

Latest Articles By Steve Correa

Whose Truth Is It Anyways? An Indic Wisdom

Indeed, the question "What is truth?" resonates through the centuries as a profound inquiry into the nature of reality and human understanding. The moot point is, what even is truth, and can we ever really know it?

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Re-examining Diversity

Companies that actively promote diversity and inclusion have reported positive impacts on their bottom line through developing new products, improved decision-making, and enhanced problem-solving abilities

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Strategy – Eyes Behind, Blinds In Front

The key to addressing strategy's shortcomings lies in embracing adaptability over unwavering certainty. In a world where change is the only constant, rigid, long-term plans can quickly become obsolete

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Why Are Transitions And Transformations Not Easy?

The very essence of our humanity lies in our ability to adapt, to learn, and to evolve. It is in these transitions, fraught with complexity and emotion, that we find the crucible in which our character is forged

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Never Give Up

Resilience is the product of self-awareness, a steadfast dedication to your values, and the unwavering belief that challenges are opportunities in disguise

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Self-awareness And Self-confidence. Core Of Leadership

Youngsters who cultivate these traits not only stand out as leaders but also excel in collaborative endeavours, driving innovation and progress in their organisations

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Why The World Needs More Second Chances

Society has become fixated and almost obsessed with achievement, often placing an immense, at times impossible, burden on individuals to succeed at all costs

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Is Trolling, An Essential Freedom?

Embracing a culture where differences are respected, and debates are conducted with dignity will not only uphold the principles of freedom of expression but also contribute to a healthier, more inclusive digital landscape

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Why HR Should Worry About Ghosting At Workplace

Social media has also contributed to the prevalence of ghosting in modern-day society. With so many ways to communicate online, it has become easier than ever for people to simply unfollow, block, or ignore someone they no longer want to interact with

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Impostor Syndrome, Really?

Impostor Syndrome, a phenomenon characterised by persistent self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy despite the evident success, has become a prevalent issue in the business world

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