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Steve Correa


The author is Executive Coach and OD Consultant

Latest Articles By Steve Correa

Leadership Challenges Were Not This Long, Before

We live in the age of unpredictability and leaders must be prepared to handle crises effectively to safeguard the organisation’s reputation and operations. Whether it's a natural disaster, cybersecurity breach, or public relations crisis, the ability to respond swiftly and decisively is paramount. Developing robust crisis management plans, fostering a culture of transparency and accountability, and building organisational resilience are key priorities.

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Compliance And Conformity: The Crucial Difference

To foster a culture of innovation and sustainable growth, Indian businesses must transcend the confines of conformity and embrace a proactive approach to compliance. This entails cultivating a corporate ethos that values integrity, diversity of thought, and ethical decision-making. The nuanced distinction between compliance and conformity is not merely semantic but holds profound implications for the ethical fabric and long-term viability of Indian businesses

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Good Behaviour: Why Do We Struggle With This Basic Expectation?

The tone from the top sets the moral compass for an organisation, guiding the behaviour and decisions of employees at all levels. Leaders serve as role models whose actions speak louder than words, influencing the culture and ethical climate of the entire organisation

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The Tough Task Of Managing Differences

Managing differences is not just a challenge but an opportunity for growth and innovation

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Understanding Leadership Failures From Businesses

One recurring theme in leadership failures is the erosion of trust. Leaders who prioritise personal gain over the well-being of their teams inevitably sow seeds of distrust, ultimately leading to fractured relationships and organisational dysfunction

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UnIdeas: Nurturing Creativity Through Opposition

While ideas have long been hailed as the driving force behind progress, UnIdeas, with their potential to disrupt, challenge, and elevate conventional thinking, represent a paradigm shift in our approach to problem-solving and innovation

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Purpose-led Leadership In The Digital Era

Traditional leadership styles that pay attention to the modern demands of a rapidly evolving business landscape risk becoming obsolete.

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The Present Is The Canvas To Paint The Future

The present moment, therefore, becomes a pivotal point where individuals have the agency to shape their destiny through mindful actions and righteous living. However, the understanding goes beyond individual actions; it encompasses a broader cosmic order

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Empathy, Inexpensive, But Can Be Expansive Leadership

Empathetic leadership embodies a respectful approach, recognising that each team member brings unique strengths and struggles. It promotes a workplace culture that values the human element, fostering trust, collaboration, and a sense of belonging among team members

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Our Deepest Need Is For Human Connection

Recognition and appreciation are potent tools that boost morale and contribute to a positive work environment. Recognising employees' efforts, providing constructive feedback, and expressing gratitude are critical in fostering job satisfaction

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