I take ibuprofen for the headache caused by the Ramipril that I have to take for hypertension caused by the Ritalin I take for my short attention span caused by the Stugeron I take for the motion sickness I get from the Imodium I take for the diarrhea caused by the Orlistat I take for the uncontrolled weight gain from the Paroxetine I take for the anxiety caused by the Simvistatin I take for the high cholesterol because exercise and good diet are just too much hard work.”
I don’t know who wrote the above first, but holistic healers like me use this often to demonstrate to pill poppers how their lives really are. So what’s wrong with popping pills, you ask. Well, here you go.
Every prescription drug has a side effect: “It’s safe” and “everyone takes it” doesn’t mean it will not affect you. Read the label. Research online. There are lots of sites that list out side effects of the pills prescribed. Take an informed decision.
Your digestion will get compromised: The most common complaints of anyone on drugs are a weakened stomach lining. Bloating, acidity, inability to digest foods you could digest earlier are common complaints. The doctor will then prescribe anti-acidity pills, which also have side effects.
Your immune system will become weaker: Since your digestive system will get compromised, absorption of nutrients from food will decline as time goes by. This will mean that you will be prone to low immunity threats such as frequent coughs, flus, allergies, unexplained pains, brain fog and fatigue. You will go to the doctor with these complaints, and will get prescribed anti-allergy pills for allergies, antibiotics for flus, pain killers for unexplained pains which will all further compromise your immunity.
You could get anxiety attacks: Many prescription drugs like those for the thyroid and certain pain killers cause sweating and anxiety attacks in people. Waking up after 3-4 hours of sleep, inability to sleep well will lead you to the doctor who will prescribe anti-anxiety drugs or sleeping pills, which can lead to poor coordination, drowsiness and trouble concentrating at work. This will lead to a compromised work output.
You could gain weight: When you experience fatigue or drowsiness, you will not be able to move much, causing a dip in your metabolic rate (the rate at which you metabolise food or burn calories), hence increasing weight even if you are not eating much. Weight gain in itself can raise blood sugar and blood pressure levels.
Or you could build yourself back: Getting rid of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, obesity, compromised digestion, low immunity, insomnia, anxiety, allergies, unexplained pains, fatigue, can all be tackled by just living a healthy and balanced life.
It’s time you cut the vicious cycle and took the first step towards your own health by living clean and disease free. You owe it to YOU.
Question Of The Fortnight
Send in your questions to askrachnachhachhi@gmail.com
There was a medical report that said we all need cholesterol and statins are bad for us. But my doctor tells me I need statins to protect my heart. What should I do? — Deepak Tyagi, 47, Lucknow
Dear Deepak, While borderline cholesterol (up to 250/260) does not need statins, they have severe side-effects like weakening your liver, stomach lining and fluctuating sugar levels, very high LDL (bad cholesterol) can raise your risk of stroke and heart disease. It is best to control this by eliminating cooked fat, adding uncooked fat like nuts and seeds and raw fibre, exercising, reducing anxiety and quitting smoking.
Rachna Chhachhi is a certified holistic cancer nutrition and yoga expert, and author of four bestselling health books. She treats across 27 countries.