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Articles for Sustainability

Failing Farmers on access to Financial Services

A major barrier to access to bank accounts and loans is the inability of marginal, landless labourers and women to procure evidence of cultivation of their farm land to avail loans

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Digitalisation: Fig Leaf For Failed Demonetisation

The RBI has reported that it has recovered Rs 29.84 crore fake notes out of the currency it has taken into the banking system

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India's Demographic Dividend - Where Are The Jobs?

The demographic dividend is defined as a rising share of the working age population in total population

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India 2030

India will have six megacities with over 10 million residents each, and will witness an urban explosion never seen before

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Demonetisation: Revolutionary Step Or Historic Blunder?

The Modi government should focus on getting a genuine economic recovery and job creation. More such ill thought through, badly implemented and moralistic policy prescriptions will get us back to the Hindu growth rate of 3-4 per cent of the 1970's and 1980's. Now that would be ironic for a BJP government

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16-day Of Activism - Are You Ready To Do Your Bit?

Given the increasing penetration of media especially social media, it is hoped that the issue is gaining greater visibility

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The Future Of Healthcare In India

Estimates indicate that healthcare costs drive an additional 4% of Indian families, over 50 million people, into poverty each year

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Equity Makes Evaluation More Effective

Evaluation here needs a fundamental reorientation from external observation to being an internal disrupter

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