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Articles for Sustainability

How Sustainable Is The Fishing Industry In India?

The fishing industry in India employs over 14 million people, according to a survey conducted by Food and Agriculture Organization department of the United Nations

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What Happens In Childhood Matters In Adulthood

Childhood violence in abhorrent and addressing it is a moral imperative. Emerging global research on the issues shows a clear link between childhood experiences and adulthood outcomes

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SDG Goal 1 On Poverty: Challenges For India

Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets were announced in 2015 at the UN summit. They indicate the scale and ambition of this new universal Agenda

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Going To The Ground On Nutrition

The Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 fully endorsed and included these nutrition targets as part of the SDGs

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Tata Trusts: Why We Work On Nutrition

Improving nutrition also forms part of the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by countries to be achieved by 2030

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Violence Against Women: Not Just A Family Issue

The fight against violence against women (VAW) is a long drawn one. But, if we hold a commitment towards achieving gender equality, social inclusion and human rights for all, one of the sustainable development goals (SDG) - setting up a responsive legal framework is essential

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A Vision Of India's Future

Together we can reshape our country. Let us strive together towards the heaven of freedom: a country in which every citizen has all three freedoms: political, social, and economic freedom

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Tata Trusts And Sustainability

Our effort would remain on the overarching challenge of ensuring lasting and sustainable development to the most marginalised to create a country of equal opportunities

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