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Articles for Sustainability

SDGs And Inequality

The SDGs are much bolder and more aspirational and differ from the Millennium Development Goals (SDGs) which were adopted in 2000 for the period 2000-2015

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Sustaining Development

Enlightened self-interest requires that the private sector must no longer shirk its responsibility with regard to the community or to the environment which sustains them

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Mizoram Shows How Good Sanitation Can Reduce Child Malnutrition

Almost 90% of child deaths from diarrhoeal diseases are directly linked to contaminated water, lack of sanitation or inadequate hygiene, according to a UNICEF report

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Child-Health Spending Soars, But 40 Million Indian Children Stunted

This in a country that boasts a 40-year-old national child-health programme– now among the world’s largest–and increased spending on child health 200% over a decade.

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