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Articles for Sustainability

The Silver Linings of Demonetisation

BW Businessworld catches up with Dr. Arvind Virmani at the Demonetisation roundtable held at the Metropolitan Hotel in New Delhi on what he thinks about the measure

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Women's Declining Employment: What The Data Shows

Women's employment in India shows a departure from the economic development theories premised on the thesis of greater demand for women's wage labour with economic growth

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Impact Evaluation Makes Good Sense!

In an interview with BW Businessworld, Dr. Emmanuel Jimenez who recently moved to 3ie after 30 years at the World Bank, talks about the role of impact evaluation in assisting policy makers

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Demonetisation: Ineffective, Inadequate And Premature

A cashless economy, in other words, is not created by diktat. It requires, as a pre-requisite, a structural transformation of the rural economy into a modern and productive sphere

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What It Will Take to Make Responsible Business In India

Businesses and governments must realize that the costs of human rights violations- financial, legal and reputational - can outweigh the investments that they seek, and severely impact businesses and their relationship with investors

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To design strategic and long term policy and programme frameworks and initiatives, and monitor their progress and their efficacy…

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The Ride To A Pollution Free India

The smoke and noise-free e-rickshaws can not only help India to reduce its carbon footprint but also generate millions of jobs

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The Art And Science Of Winning The Poo War

The Swachh Bharat Mission needs to refocus. Toilets may indeed be more important than temples, but only if they are used

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