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Viiveck Verma...


The author is Founder Upsurge Global, Venture Partner Silverneedle Ventures and Adjunct Professor EThames College

Latest Articles By Viiveck Verma...

Getting Judicious, Self-Aware With Emotions: Distinguishing Needs, Wants, Likes

It is our time to be courageous and embrace self-awareness and knowing our needs, wants and likes can take us to summits of wisdom and growth

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Playing To Learn: Discarding The Winning-losing Binary To Win Big In Life

Learning, most importantly, builds strength for life, which is a long-term reward, that stays resilient in the face of the short-term euphoria of a triumph or the disappointment of a debacle

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Ecopreneurship: Succeeding With Sustainability In Business

Carving a future of tremendous prosperity will require us to let go of paradigmatic entrepreneurship and make sustainability an indispensable element of business

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Why Art OF Listening In Professional World Matters

It can elevate the impact you create as an individual and can make the workplace synergy conducive to achieving extraordinary success. So, go ahead, lend your ears to what matters and craft brilliant success stories

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Art Of Self Mastery: Surviving Life's Uncertainties

Simply put, in short, self-mastery is the ability to control our emotional responses and not let external factors faze us. It is a denial of being at the mercy of circumstances and a way of taking control of our journeys

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The Significance Of Organisational Belonging

There is no stopping an organisation that runs on the motivation of its committed employees and it is time to let cultures of belonging take over for ushering in a new, magnificent era of work

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Dialectical Thinking: How Paradoxes Can Secure Our Mental Lives

Dialectical thinking is a step in the right direction, a celebration of our human abilities and a championing of human effort against the unpredictability of the world

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Relevance Of Ethics For Decision Making

Ethics provide us with the necessary standards outside imposed logical strictures to responsibly strive for a better life and a better world and decisively make worthy contributions to our individual and collective well-being

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Art Of Judicious Conversation: Constructive Exchanges For Productivity

It is thus necessary to understand that unwanted elements from workplace conversations have to be removed and conversation has to be judicious, keeping in mind the shared purpose of everyone

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Value Of Flexibility: Dynamism For An Ever-Changing World

What is the response to this capriciousness of life? The answer lies in the deceptively simple idea of flexibility

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