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Viiveck Verma...


The author is Founder Upsurge Global, Venture Partner Silverneedle Ventures and Adjunct Professor EThames College

Latest Articles By Viiveck Verma...

Revisiting Approaches To Workplace Conflict For A New Era Of Productivity

Conflict management for an organisation has to be an immunity booster, something which strengthens the company to buoyantly resolve problems and keep that pace up in the longer run. This is necessary to usher in an era of superlative collaboration that propels productivity to soaring heights

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Guarding Your Inner Freedom: Some Seldom Explored Nuances

Which can lead you to great places, is thus an act of getting in touch with yourself and accepting what you want and then acting upon it

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Embracing Chaos: Moving Beyond Jaded Ideas Of Stability

The whole emphasis on stability makes us forget that a lot of ideas around it can be restrictive and jaded and make us do great injustice to the potential we hold

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Channelling Your Fears: An Art Worth Mastering

Conquering fear is not a close-ended solution but an ongoing process which requires you to mould your fear into something that propels you, every step of the way

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Rethinking Ambition: Why To Ask What To Not Want In Life

Thinking of what to not want is coupling desire and ambition with intelligence and pragmatism. Such a worldview places putting work into your desires and dreams instead of stagnating in fancy

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Commitment To Service: A Worthy Lifestyle

A good teacher who serves does not just powerfully impact knowledge but enriches the process of learning for everyone at the institution

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Embracing Objectivity: Journeying Towards Summits Of Human Fulfilment

Objectivity is a rejection of fear, of bias, and of delusion that leads us to assess our gains and losses fruitfully and make better sense of the world to flourish in it

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Making Work Meaningful: The Case Against Hustling

Countering a culture of hustling can be a massive intervention in fighting widespread mental health disasters, making work experience truly rewarding and ultimately, building a better world

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Transparent Leadership: Credibility, Trust and Glory

Transparent leadership inspires hope in employees, emboldens them with clarity, brings them closer to the company’s mission and makes crises surmountable with relative ease

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Purpose-Driven Advertising For A New Age

Consequently, what a brand stands for and how it defines itself plays an incontestably significant role in the chord it strikes with consumers. This is where purpose-driven advertising and marketing becomes a most crucial intervention.

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