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Viiveck Verma...


The author is Founder Upsurge Global, Venture Partner Silverneedle Ventures and Adjunct Professor EThames College

Latest Articles By Viiveck Verma...

Transcending The Urban: Incubating Rural Innovation

There is no national development without keeping everyone on board and a holistic and inclusive approach towards the same has to do justice to grassroots entrepreneurs and rural endeavour and talent.

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Being The Solution: Responsibility in the Co-COVID World

In the Co-COVID world, where precarity and uncertainty haunt our everyday, none of us can be outside the ambit of responsible action to keep ourselves and the world safe.

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Corporate Sustainability In A Co-COVID World

As remote working becomes the new normal and the world remains unlikely to go back to pre-COVID realities, it is a good idea to revisit and reassess how businesses can stimulate longevity while giving more to the world and their employees.

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Overcoming Toxic Masculinity: A Cure for Many Ills

With a reliance on feeling, accepting and expressing our organic humanity, we can allow our men to foster socially empowering self-definitions and build a harmonious society, where communion with each other will not be a distant dream. Toxic masculinity must go, if we owe our boys, men and ourselves a better world.

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From Y2K to Tackling COVID: India’s Glorious Upsurges

This is an occasion we must not squander and a potential dividend we must reap and with India’s record of buoyancy and transformation, a triumphant future is certainly realizable.

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Living In A Co-COVID World, One Year On

The new normal has seen education, work and entertainment to shift to largely online domains and some innovations in this regard are worthy and likely to stay.

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