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Viiveck Verma...


The author is Founder Upsurge Global, Venture Partner Silverneedle Ventures and Adjunct Professor EThames College

Latest Articles By Viiveck Verma...

The Importance Of Documenting Journeys: The Human Narrative Behind Careers

Most significantly, if you have a journey that you think the world should know about, it is a worthy idea to tell your story. Not only is it a conduit of necessary self-expression and awarding yourself the acknowledgment you deserve, but also ways to connect to people who resonate with your struggles.

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Infinite Possibilities: Soft Power in The Professional World

The deployment of soft power, as illustrated, represents a unique opportunity for businesses to involve themselves in cultural representation, allowing them and their origins to carve a niche for themselves in global discourses.

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Rethinking Security under A New World Order

Expenditures on security thus should not be restricted to arms and ammunition and deployment of troops but also building bureaucracies and infrastructure which effectively battle the shocks that emerge in difficult conflicts.

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Beyond Purity: The World Of The Non-Conventional, Non-Pure

The sanctity of individual disciplines is a weak idea against the skills we need to develop— a humanities and social sciences student needs to know Mathematics to study architecture or statistics to conduct surveys.

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Unconventional Entrepreneurship: A New Exemplar of Success

Unconventional entrepreneurship is here to stay and an inspiring way to affirm ourselves and others and combat difficult times where stabilities break down.

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Incubation Over Reward: Crafting A New Path To Honour Innovators

To incubate is to birth an exemplar of how a community contributes to individual successes and that is precisely necessary for a future of greater glory.

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Dismantling Retirement: Reimagining The Role Of Elderly In India

The young and the elderly can come together to catapult the Indian economy to new heights and this opportunity is ours to seize.

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The Socially Radical Potential of Encouragement

The purpose of our togetherness is to enable us fight the ravages of our times and together, as human history shows, we can and shall overcome every adversity. So, let us go ahead, encourage generously and create a world that revitalizes itself through organic human kindness.

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A New World Order: Bouncing Back From The Co-COVID World

A new world is ours to build, and the building blocks are in front of us— the difference shall be made in the endeavour we energize from here.

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Shifting Gears: Prioritizing Livelihood In The Medical Sector

The scope is vast and with judicious endeavour, universal health can truly be accomplished.

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