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Nayan Chanda


Nayan Chanda is the author of Bound Together: How Traders, Preachers, Adventurers and Warriors Shaped Globalization and is Consulting Editor of YaleGlobal Online, published by the MacMillan Center, Yale University.

Latest Articles By Nayan Chanda

A Tale Of Two Middle Classes

As jobless Americans wait for Trump to crack down against offshoring and immigration, middle class Asians anxiously await the fallout

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Bound Together: Promises Trump Can’t Keep

The US President-elect is going to find it very hard to come good on his rhetoric against offshoring and free trade agreements

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The Ride To A Pollution Free India

The smoke and noise-free e-rickshaws can not only help India to reduce its carbon footprint but also generate millions of jobs

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A Strange American Election

The rise of Donald Trump as a presidential nominee and support for him in Russia and China make this year’s US polls an unusual one

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Question Mark Over TPP

Obama administration’s much ballyhooed Trans-Pacific Partnership seems to be stuck in the quagmire of popular opposition at home

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Two Faces Of Global Trade

While the steel glut in China threatens social instability, its cab-hailing startup Didi has added redundant steel workers to its pool of drivers

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Food For Thought

With anti-trade sentiment on the rise globally, services and domestic consumption could become the key growth drivers for India

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It’s Just A Stealth Reform

India’s textile sector needs full-scale labour reform along with technological innovation to stand up to the challenges of automation

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Brexit: Boon Or Bane

IMF predicted that in a worst-case scenario, Britain’s departure from the EU could reduce this year’s world economic growth by up to 5.6 per cent

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Time To Review FDI Rules

China’s policy of wooing foreign tech investors is more relevant to India from a long-term perspective

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