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Nayan Chanda


Nayan Chanda is the author of Bound Together: How Traders, Preachers, Adventurers and Warriors Shaped Globalization and is Consulting Editor of YaleGlobal Online, published by the MacMillan Center, Yale University.

Latest Articles By Nayan Chanda

India’s Education Deficit

The country is unable to educate its youth students fast enough to keep pace with the demands of the economy

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The Ghost Of Kyoto Still Lurks

Given the quiet burial given to the Kyoto Protocol, the signing ceremony for the Paris climate pact could remain but a symbolic act

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A Recipe For Disaster

It’s globalisation without governance that has allowed the world’s elite to park their riches in tax havens as Panama Papers show

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A Tale Of Two Countries

While India seeks to woo foreign firms to ‘Make in India’, China’s aim is to grab cutting-edge technology to make products for China

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Down But Certainly Not Out

Globalisation gets a boost with Vietnam embracing the US-led trans Pacific trade pact and Obama’s ice-breaking visit to Havana

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Better Late Than Never

The opening of the food processing sector to FDI is just a crack in the door. Much will depend on how fast the regulations are aligned to it

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Caught In The Doldrums

It’s not just the country’s goods export that is shrinking; even the services exports are showing signs of flattening out

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Free Trade Under Threat

The US presidential poll campaign has tuned ominous with candidates blaming globalisation for all the country’s ills

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Fighting The Zika Virus

The looming threat of a pandemic should be used to expand Modi’s Clean India campaign to create mosquito-free areas

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A False Sense Of Security

India may not be fully isolated from the Chinese crisis as many in the country would like us to believe

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