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Articles for People

India's Demographic Dividend - Where Are The Jobs?

The demographic dividend is defined as a rising share of the working age population in total population

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India 2030

India will have six megacities with over 10 million residents each, and will witness an urban explosion never seen before

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Demonetisation: Revolutionary Step Or Historic Blunder?

The Modi government should focus on getting a genuine economic recovery and job creation. More such ill thought through, badly implemented and moralistic policy prescriptions will get us back to the Hindu growth rate of 3-4 per cent of the 1970's and 1980's. Now that would be ironic for a BJP government

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16-day Of Activism - Are You Ready To Do Your Bit?

Given the increasing penetration of media especially social media, it is hoped that the issue is gaining greater visibility

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The Future Of Healthcare In India

Estimates indicate that healthcare costs drive an additional 4% of Indian families, over 50 million people, into poverty each year

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Equity Makes Evaluation More Effective

Evaluation here needs a fundamental reorientation from external observation to being an internal disrupter

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The Silver Linings of Demonetisation

BW Businessworld catches up with Dr. Arvind Virmani at the Demonetisation roundtable held at the Metropolitan Hotel in New Delhi on what he thinks about the measure

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Women's Declining Employment: What The Data Shows

Women's employment in India shows a departure from the economic development theories premised on the thesis of greater demand for women's wage labour with economic growth

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Impact Evaluation Makes Good Sense!

In an interview with BW Businessworld, Dr. Emmanuel Jimenez who recently moved to 3ie after 30 years at the World Bank, talks about the role of impact evaluation in assisting policy makers

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Demonetisation: Ineffective, Inadequate And Premature

A cashless economy, in other words, is not created by diktat. It requires, as a pre-requisite, a structural transformation of the rural economy into a modern and productive sphere

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