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Articles for Sustainability Development Goals (SDG)

SDG's: A Sumptuous Banquet On Development

The developed world had earlier committed to provide climate finance - over and above the traditional ODA under the Copenhagen Consensus. But such a commitment appears also to be still unclear

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A Tale Of Two Countries

While India seeks to woo foreign firms to ‘Make in India’, China’s aim is to grab cutting-edge technology to make products for China

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Is India Sliding Into A Banking Crisis?

India must remember that the 1997 Asian financial crisis was exacerbated by tight monetary policy, forced on by IMF conditionality

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Five Key Lessons About Women And Work In India

Despite the increasing number of women pursuing secondary and post-secondary education, India’s women keep dropping out. Since 2005, more than 25 million Indian women have left the labour force

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The SDG Framework: An Indian Take

India is a large and heterogeneous country and there are considerable variations across States and within them. Such laggard regions pull down all-India trends

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Record Farm Funding, Up 84%; Crises Also Record-Breaking

Jaitley’s budget has nine pillars: Agriculture, rural development, health, education and jobs, infrastructure, financial reforms, governance and ease of doing business, prudent fiscal management, and tax-administration reforms.

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SDGs And Inequality

The SDGs are much bolder and more aspirational and differ from the Millennium Development Goals (SDGs) which were adopted in 2000 for the period 2000-2015

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Sustaining Development

Enlightened self-interest requires that the private sector must no longer shirk its responsibility with regard to the community or to the environment which sustains them

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Mizoram Shows How Good Sanitation Can Reduce Child Malnutrition

Almost 90% of child deaths from diarrhoeal diseases are directly linked to contaminated water, lack of sanitation or inadequate hygiene, according to a UNICEF report

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Child-Health Spending Soars, But 40 Million Indian Children Stunted

This in a country that boasts a 40-year-old national child-health programme– now among the world’s largest–and increased spending on child health 200% over a decade.

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