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Articles for Sustainability Development Goals (SDG)

What It Will Take to Make Responsible Business In India

Businesses and governments must realize that the costs of human rights violations- financial, legal and reputational - can outweigh the investments that they seek, and severely impact businesses and their relationship with investors

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To design strategic and long term policy and programme frameworks and initiatives, and monitor their progress and their efficacy…

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The Ride To A Pollution Free India

The smoke and noise-free e-rickshaws can not only help India to reduce its carbon footprint but also generate millions of jobs

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The Art And Science Of Winning The Poo War

The Swachh Bharat Mission needs to refocus. Toilets may indeed be more important than temples, but only if they are used

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The Making Of The Indian Millennial Man

BW Businessworld speaks to Prathap Suthan, CCO, Bang In The Middle, who helps us unpack the Indian Millennial Man

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India’s $20-trillion Economy

Indian literacy remains abysmal — technically just over 75 per cent but in effect considerably lower. It is the single biggest impediment to social and economic progress

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Why Child Nutrition Matters For Economic Growth

The focus on child nutrition and economic growth is prescient; India has the largest youth population and is in the middle of a potential demographic dividend that will end close to 2040

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Question Mark Over TPP

Obama administration’s much ballyhooed Trans-Pacific Partnership seems to be stuck in the quagmire of popular opposition at home

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A Recipe For Indian Smart Cities: Combining Technology With Urban Planning And Inclusivity

The digital revolution can bring everyone along if it used in an inclusive manner for example by using data to identify and target a city's most vulnerable population

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International Child Abduction And Domestic Violence: Why Children Are Sent Back To Violent Homes

By adopting The Hague Convention as is, are we doing justice to Indian women and children trapped in violent homes in foreign countries?

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