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Sandeep K Chhabra


Sandeep K Chhabra is a software professional working as General Manager at Ericsson India Global Services Pvt Ltd (EGIL). He is B Tech from IIT Delhi in Computer Science and Technology has more than 24 years of experience of working in IT industry. He is a Digital/Business transformations expert, startup mentor and an evangelist of emerging technologies.

Latest Articles By Sandeep K Chhabra

How Can DNA Computers Solve Specific Problems?

DNA or Deoxyribonucleic Acid based computers offer a new way of processing data. They seem to offer an alternative solution as speed of microprocessors are becoming harder to increase due to quantum and heating related issues

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Energy Production From Nuclear Fusion Has A Timeline

With countries looking to step up their decarbonisation efforts to fight the climate emergency, nuclear energy has returned to the energy debate in 2022. However, is it really commercially viable?

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Microprocessors Are Evolving To Serve AI Needs

The most important of all Integrated Circuits or chips is microprocessor that executes all instructions inside the computers.

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Artificial Intelligence Needs To Evolve To Recognize Human Handwriting

More research and sophistication is needed especially in neural network models for handwriting recognition software to gain mainstream acceptance, Despite the increasing use of IT handwriting recognition is still a potential untapped area.

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AIoT And 5G With Other Technologies Will Enable Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Fourth Industrial Revolution will weaken the lines between digital, physical and biological spheres and revolutionize the way we live, work and connect. However, it will not be a big bang event but a silent change already underway.

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Artificial Intelligence And Quantum Mechanics Are Entangled

Quantum Fast Fourier Transform (QFFT) can be executed using O(n^2) gates compared to O(n2^n) gates needed for its classical counterpart for amplitudes of 2^n. One of the uses of FFT is to reduce the computational power needed for Convolutional Neural Networks.

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Artificial Intelligence Must Be More Responsible Than Humans

The rise of AI poses additional challenges not found in traditional systems.

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Artificial Intelligence Is Making Arts More Artistic

One reason for this perception is that arts is considered to be in exclusive domain of human creativity and the Mathematics heavy base of Artificial Intelligence makes it look so distant from it. However advances in Artificial Intelligence are impacting arts too.

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Neuromorphic Computing Will Open New Frontiers For Artificial Intelligence

Current Machine Learning algorithms also trail humans in many recognition problems e.g. image, voice, characters etc especially when noise is present.

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IT And Telecom Are At Forefront In Battle Against Coronavirus

The pandemic will change various aspects of our life forever. Tendency to work and serve remotely will increase. More transactions will move online.

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