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Sandeep K Chhabra


Sandeep K Chhabra is a software professional working as General Manager at Ericsson India Global Services Pvt Ltd (EGIL). He is B Tech from IIT Delhi in Computer Science and Technology has more than 24 years of experience of working in IT industry. He is a Digital/Business transformations expert, startup mentor and an evangelist of emerging technologies.

Latest Articles By Sandeep K Chhabra

Humans Are Striving To Increase Their Lifespans

The rise of humans driven by science and technology has created a unique challenge for them, to break the limitations of their lifespans.

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Big Bang Governs The Universe Even Today

Big Bang created a homogeneous, isotropic, expanding Universe with indefinite life.

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Artificial General Intelligence Is The Next Step In Machine Intelligence Journey

While benefits of AGI are obvious, its eventual transition to ASI may create machines that human may struggle to control. Humans will gain as long as their natural intelligence controls intelligence of machines.

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Chandrayaan 2 Is One Of The Vehicles For Indian Space Journey

The program follows 3 main tracks, i.e. manufacture of satellites, improvisation of launch vehicles and space missions.

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Superconductors Have Niche Present And Immense Potential Uses

The critical temperatures of superconductors are rising and different families of superconducting materials are being discovered

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Evolution Of Supercomputers Will Continue

The technological and commercial considerations will slow down the super growth of their speeds witnessed so far but their evolution will continue

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Nuclear Energy Is Easy To Unleash But Difficult To Tame

The technologies still need to mature to deliver the promised potential

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Theories of Relativity

Relativity theories may become laws or theories that explain phenomena even more accurately may emerge

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Augmented Reality And Virtual Reality Are The Emerging Realities

The Reality technologies are undergoing a reality check at current level of technologies and are likely to become new realities in a decade

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Natural Language Processing Can Change The Man-machine Interface

NLP is allowing humans to interact with computers the same way they interact with themselves. It is also increasing the use of computers in our lives. Hence man-machine interface is not only changing, it's importance is actually reducing

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