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Dr Aseem Chauhan


Dr. Aseem Chauhan is a Founding Trustee of the Amity Education Group and currently serves as Chancellor Amity University. He is an institution-builder with a vision to help make Amity one of the leading education providers in the world. Dr. Chauhan is the founder CEO of Amity Innovation Incubator.

Latest Articles By Dr Aseem Chauhan

How Can We Ignite Entrepreneurship With Funding Challenge?

There are several questions on the selection of various funding sources and handling the funding procedures

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No Business Strategy Lasts Forever

We are witnessing an increasing number of black swan events in a VUCA world, and the future cannot be taken for granted.

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Strategies For Promoting Entrepreneurship And Creating Student Start-Ups

Entrepreneurship is the need of the hour and there cannot be better than the present time. In this context the educational institutions must gear-up

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Entrepreneurship Is Built Around A Vision And Foresight: Are You Nurturing It?

The entrepreneurial enterprises are created, nurtured and made viable by following six sequential stages

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The Innovation Pandemonium: Challenges And Barriers To Innovation

Innovation is an engine and a competitive factor at any level, with several operational factors.

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Contract Pharma- Drug Manufacturing, The Neglected Sector

Due to Covid-19 induced disruption, the government introduced a Productivity Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme towards enhancing the domestic supply of 53 imported APIs, which fundamentally are the raw materials for essential lifesaving antibiotics.

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Contract Pharma-The Neglected Sector

With significant investment in R&D, Indian CDMO industry can stay globally competitive and make an invaluable contribution to the country.

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Greensill Insolvency: Cautionary Tale for Indian Fintech

The government should consider giving the same weight to RMS as to statutory audits. These two steps will reduce, if not totally prevent excesses to a large extent.

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Horizon Scanning-Mapping the Future

As a society we’re focused on immediate problems and in so doing we’ve lost the skill and ability to think for the long term. Initiate Horizon scanning, if not yet started.

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The Entrepreneur An Evolutionary Concept

An entrepreneur’s individual capability may be divided into three components i.e. entrepreneurial spirit, human capital and venture capital. In the entrepreneurial context this ‘agent’ neither knows the outcome or can calculate corresponding probabilities.

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