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Dr Aseem Chauhan


Dr. Aseem Chauhan is a Founding Trustee of the Amity Education Group and currently serves as Chancellor Amity University. He is an institution-builder with a vision to help make Amity one of the leading education providers in the world. Dr. Chauhan is the founder CEO of Amity Innovation Incubator.

Latest Articles By Dr Aseem Chauhan

Start-up India: The drivers to innovation in promoting entrepreneurship

The government must therefore, accelerate efforts in continuing to create a conducive environment towards entrepreneurship.

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VUCA Challenges: The Business of Telecom in India

With progression in society, things have started evolving on a daily basis across the world that cannot be possible without technological changes.

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Leadership After Coronavirus: Explorers Show the Way in Healthcare

Coronavirus will change the complexion of all industries and many new opportunities will appear, weak signals of which are already being received.

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De Novo & De Alio Innovating Firms In A VUCA World

The more complex and dynamic environment as in VUCA, the more will be the chances of firms engaging in innovation and inclining towards incremental or radical reforms

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