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Articles for Sustainability

We Plan To Transform Urban Agriculture By Turning Rooftops Into Farms: Khetify

Charging a one-time fee for installation of khets (farms) and a maintenance charge for the supply of high-quality seeds, saplings, organic fertilisers, herbicides, and so on, Khetify is transforming agriculture practices by focusing on the urban setting, with a sustainable approach

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Think Locally, Sink Globally

No country can do (or make) everything, and to succeed, each must focus on what it is can do best, i.e., where it has a clear competitive advantage

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Breakthrough Innovations Required To Achieve SDGs: UN Global Compact CEO

On the second day of the Making Global Goals Local Business Conference by UN Global Compact, Lise Kingo, the chief executive officer and executive director of UN Global Compact, urged the audience that “time is of the essence”, as there are less than 5,000 days left to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals launched in September 2015

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Sustainable Development Goals Offer $1 Trillion Market Opportunities To Private Sector In India

The United Nations Global Compact on Wednesday kicked off its two-day event, bringing together over 300 leaders from business, finance, civil society, government and the UN in New Delhi for its regional flagship event Making Global Goals Local Business -- India

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The Menace Of Crop Burning In Punjab And Haryana

Despite a ban and dire warnings from the Environment Pollution Control Authority, the burning of wheat stubbles to clear the fields for paddy sowing is a rampant practice in Punjab and Haryana

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How Sustainable Is The Fishing Industry In India?

The fishing industry in India employs over 14 million people, according to a survey conducted by Food and Agriculture Organization department of the United Nations

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What Happens In Childhood Matters In Adulthood

Childhood violence in abhorrent and addressing it is a moral imperative. Emerging global research on the issues shows a clear link between childhood experiences and adulthood outcomes

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SDG Goal 1 On Poverty: Challenges For India

Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets were announced in 2015 at the UN summit. They indicate the scale and ambition of this new universal Agenda

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Going To The Ground On Nutrition

The Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 fully endorsed and included these nutrition targets as part of the SDGs

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Tata Trusts: Why We Work On Nutrition

Improving nutrition also forms part of the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by countries to be achieved by 2030

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