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Articles for Sustainability

Digital Dividends – A Global Perspective

The World Development Report 2016 titled 'Digital Dividends' assesses the interplay of digital technology (mobile phones, internet and related technologies) with development

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'Will Make It Easy To Do Business In India'

Amitabh Kant, NITI Aayog chief executive, talks to BW Businessworld's Neeta Misra about India's Industrial Policy and God's Own Country Tourism initiative in Kerala

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India’s Education Deficit

The country is unable to educate its youth students fast enough to keep pace with the demands of the economy

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The Ghost Of Kyoto Still Lurks

Given the quiet burial given to the Kyoto Protocol, the signing ceremony for the Paris climate pact could remain but a symbolic act

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Digital India Still Elusive, World Bank Report Shows

It is an amazing transformation that today 40 percent of the world's population is connected by the internet. While these achievements are to be celebrated, this is also occasion to be mindful that we do not create a new underclass. With nearly 20 percent of the world's population unable to read and write, the spread of digital technologies alone is unlikely to spell the end of the global knowledge divide - Kaushik Basu, World Bank Chief Economist

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A Recipe For Disaster

It’s globalisation without governance that has allowed the world’s elite to park their riches in tax havens as Panama Papers show

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Health In The Sustainable Development Goals

The health goal sets nine specific targets which embrace this integrated agenda. This brings a health system approach, without which other health targets will be difficult to achieve

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SDG's: A Sumptuous Banquet On Development

The developed world had earlier committed to provide climate finance - over and above the traditional ODA under the Copenhagen Consensus. But such a commitment appears also to be still unclear

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A Tale Of Two Countries

While India seeks to woo foreign firms to ‘Make in India’, China’s aim is to grab cutting-edge technology to make products for China

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Is India Sliding Into A Banking Crisis?

India must remember that the 1997 Asian financial crisis was exacerbated by tight monetary policy, forced on by IMF conditionality

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