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Articles for Sustainability

COP27 Missed Breakthroughs On Emission Reduction, Climate Finance, Says Kotak

To pursue low-carbon development strategies, India will require significant investments, the pace of which will largely hinge on the easy availability of climate finance

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IIT Kanpur Collaborates With AARDO To Host Cimate Change Training Program

Dr. Sanjeeb K Behera, outlined the mission of AARDO and its relevance to today’s world, while Prof. B. V. Rathish Kumar, invited the participants and he hoped that the participants leave with a pleasant educational experience

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Developing Nations Need Independent Energy Mix Choices To Achieve SDGs: India At COP27

Bhupendra Yadav said that most developing countries, just transition cannot be equated with decarbonisation, but with low-carbon development

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COP27 Goes Overtime As Negotiators Scramble For Deal

Issues, including the mitigation work program, the global goal on adaptation, loss and damage, and climate finance, are being intervened as they persisted as controversial

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COP27: Nations Pledge More GEF Funds To Help Poor Countries Against Climate Change

Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and the Walloon Region of Belgium announced a total of USD 105.6 million in new funding for the Global Environment Facility (GEF) funds that target the immediate climate adaptation needs of low-lying and low-income states

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COP27: India Focuses On Biofuels & Green H2 To Boost Low-Carbon Growth

The agenda prioritises low-carbon electricity, transportation systems, energy-efficient urban infrastructure, low-emission industrial systems, carbon mitigation technologies, increased forest cover and low-carbon development's economic and financial aspects

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Climate Finance, Tech Necessary To Promote Trust, Transparency: India At COP27

While talking about barriers, Bhupender Yadav said that for developing countries, accelerated low-carbon development is the route to ambition. This is a continuous process

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India Publishes Long-Term Emissions Strategy At CoP 27

Under the Paris Agreement, which holds the world to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial temperatures, all countries are required to submit reports showing how they'll get there

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Sustainability The IBM Way

Climate protection is part of the overall ESG strategy that many corporates are looking at

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India Insists On New Global Climate Finance Target At CoP 27

They also said that rich countries need to lead the mobilisation of resources for achieving these goals, which is in line with what most developing countries want.

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