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Articles for Science

Making Science An inclusive Space for Women and Girls

In India, while the number of girls taking up science in higher education has increased, they form only 14% of the science workforce.

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Esri India GIS Map for Insights on Cyclone Yaas

Built with ArcGIS, the map provides the weather, wind speed, number of households and population in the area

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Annular Solar Eclipse: Myths, Do’s & Don’ts

According to Hindu Mythology, an eclipse is considered to be an inauspicious event, as the disappearance of the sun even for a short duration of time is contemplated as ‘unhealthy.

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The Earth To Encounter With Infrequent Eclipse This Summer: The Annular Eclipse

The upcoming solar eclipse is an annular, or “ring of fire” eclipse and is going to take place on June 21, 2020.

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Study reveals COVID-19 may present neurological symptoms before respiratory issues

Study reveals COVID-19 may present neurological symptoms before respiratory issues

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Cancer immunotherapy tools help researchers identify targets for COVID-19

Cancer immunotherapy tools help researchers identify targets for COVID-19

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Scientists take a page from deep space to study deep earth

Scientists take a page from deep space to study deep earth

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Presence of airborne dust could signify increased habitability of distant planets, research shows

Presence of airborne dust could signify increased habitability of distant planets, research shows

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