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Articles for Opinion

Atiq Is Merely A Symbol

Where we are headed as a nation is worth thinking about provided we have the collective courage to handle the truth

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Non-fuel Retail: Sparking Growth For Oil Marketing Companies

Fuel retailers that take a strategic, data-based approach to transform themselves and explore alternate businesses will not only generate additional revenues but also ensure sustainable growth in the future

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ChatGPT And Its Impact On Finance Fraternity At Large..

While new technologies may seem threatening to people in the beginning, seeing the long-term value and positive impacts will help in integrating the technology smoothly into the way we work

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Make Museums A National Priority With Access For All

Each person who visits a museum comes out a better person and this has the potential to shape our future. How can you help to further my cause? Start by spending a day at your nearest museum

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AI = Human Brain… + Emotion?!

The skepticism around artificial intelligence leads to the question: Can they possess values like honesty, integrity, compassion and empathy that are instilled in us at a young age?

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Use Of FOMO In Social Media Marketing

According to the surveys, more than 65 per cent of millennials experience fear of missing out (FOMO)

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Creating A Winning Social Media Strategy In 2023

With newly emerging technologies, never-ending feature updates and ever changing consumer behaviour, digital marketers are always on the lookout for what’s going to happen next

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India’s Prospects Amidst Global Uncertainty

Domestic demand is the mainstay, but India must capitalise on the renewed opportunity to become a leading global player

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