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Disequilibrium | India's Struggling Farm Economy

Every time India has outperformed, as in managed to cross 8 per cent GDP growth, the real inflection point has come thanks to agricultural growth closing in on 4 per cent. The tipping point for what essentially remains an agrarian economy, even if services and manufacturing have displaced agriculture's contribution to the GDP basket remains how the rural economy performs in Bharat. For some time now, rural incomes have been down beat and this is reflected in consumption patterns as well

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BW Event: Designing The Future

BW Smart Cities held its 4th Enabling Smart Cities conference in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, on 14 October 2015. K. Phanindra Reddy, principal secretary, Municipal Administration and Water Supply, Government of Tamil Nadu, delivering the inaugural address, set the tone by stressing the need to address key gaps in the journey towards a 'full-blown smart city' by strengthening the institutional mechanism in cities and the state, especially in Tamil Nadu that has the distinction of being the most urbanised state with 48.5 per cent urban population.

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The Economics Of Indira Gandhi

Sutanu Guru examines the troubled economic legacy of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on her birth anniversary

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Advertising Biggies Zero In

The advertising industry, being a ‘fellow traveller’ to the producers of goods and services, will generally reflect the economy’s health. When there is rapid corporate growth, advertising spends will be high to aid that process. When industry is in a mode of consolidation or slowdown, ad spends will be the first hit of cost-cutting. The Indian advertising industry has grown at a healthy 10-15 per cent annual average over the last 10 years; but in 2008 and 2009 — the worst slowdown years — growth pulled back to a snail’s crawl of 8.1 per cent and 3.5 per cent, respectively

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Infighting In BJP After Bihar Poll Debacle

The RSS is playing safe to retain its non-political identity. It kept itself away from being forced into in a direct confrontation with the BJP and preferred to carry out a tirade against the party by proxy instead. D P Sharan analyses

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Tech Vs Terrorist

If anyone can outsmart the terrorists at their use of technology it’s hackers, and who better than Anonymous, the cyber-activists

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Disequilibrium | The Ever Present Danger Of Twisted Ideology

In the immediate aftermath of 26/11 terror attacks which brutalised India's collective psyche, I met Prithvi Raj Singh Oberoi, chairman of Oberoi Hotels whose properties in SoBo had been brought to their knees by the fidayeen buddy pairs. Oberoi himself was at Taj Land's End that fateful night collecting a life time achievement award.

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Community Service: Quality Over Quantity!

It's no secret that community service is an important aspect in any student's overall application. Realising this, most schools have made volunteer work compulsory from grade 8 through 12, resulting in an unfortunate homogeneity within the applicant pool for universities. Therefore, to really stand out and highlight one's own accomplishments in the field, students are now being encouraged to search for alternative avenues by which to do some unique yet meaningful community service. While admission officials certainly will not think ill of any form of volunteerism, they do try to discern a candidate's level of commitment. For instance, a student who has worked at the same NGO every week for three years will garner more nods of approval than one who has spent only a couple of months there, though both efforts are admirable.School organised community service opportunities are popular for their convenience of location, time, and personal cost. But on the flip side, universities tend to consider them as being forced upon the student in a manner that usually results in a less rewarding and involved experience. To add more value, students should look at involvement that extends beyond their school and local area. These initiatives not only show their commitment to a specific cause, but also highlight certain skill sets - such as leadership or lateral thinking - through a hands-on approach to their work.Successful independent community service projects in the past have included a football camp that raised money for the underprivileged through sponsors and entry fees for participants; an economic experiment to gauge the importance of transportation in personal financial development by which certain families were given bicycles and therefore access to neighbouring markets; and a variety of local charity drives to support the displaced in times of flood or communal unrest. These are just a few examples of unusual service endeavours that required uncommon initiative.A significant community service experience is excellent not just for the personal growth and development of the sensitivities of a young student, but also in providing material for reflective essays or interviews down the line. Not surprisingly, the more selective a college, the more outstanding a volunteer project must be to make a mark with admission officials. It is therefore imperative for aspiring students to plan these projects well in time, and ensure their efficient execution, even if they are working on their own.The author, Rohan Ganeriwala, is co-founder of Collegify, a college consulting firm for study abroad

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