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Articles for Case Study

Case Study: How We Think Of Women

“This is the voice of compromise. This is the voice of a woman's silence, of every inappropriate expectation from her. This is our voice. Now let her speak. Ab Samjhauta Nahin, Now no compromise…” — Amitabh Bachchan Unblushed

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Case Analysis: Tip Of The Iceberg

Education is supposed to make you think and question, ads to make you consume, buy, enrich the seller, or a faceless corporation, for whose actions of omission and commission no one can be held accountable

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Who Is Your Target Audience?

“Our culture often does portray women especially like objects. My mom would always point out everytime the cheerleaders would come on, [and say] “OK, so look, here's the story that gets told: the men get to be these heroic, skilled athletes. And the women just get to be pretty.” Just the concept of that, she wanted my brother and I to be aware of it. Because we see these images on TV, in movies and in the magazines, all the time and if we don’t just stop and think about it, it sort of seeps into your brain and becomes the way you perceive reality.” — Joseph Gordon-Levitt on ‘Ellen’ Jan 2014 (adapted)

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Many Lenses, Many Senses

Political economy theory suggests that commercial incentives behind content creation, in this case the display of women’s innerwear in media, shape the content itself

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Sensitivity And Self-regulation

Women have to arrive at the fine balance between the form of garment that works for them and also doesn’t disturb others

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Accept Collateral Damage?

To flush out the Vietcong, American B52 bombers carpet-bombed vast tracts of land. The scorched earth policy culminated 50 years later with the US President apologising for the ruin he had caused

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Case Study: Finding Direction

“Coaching is releasing a person’s potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them” — John Whitmore

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Case Analysis: CEO Challenges

Not only have the Board been doing the CEO’s tasks, it would appear this has been the case for eight years

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