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Arvind Bali


CEO, Telecom Sector Skill Council

Latest Articles By Arvind Bali

5G Rollout Calls For A Skilled Workforce In India

“As 5G penetration increases, industries are expected to scale up their services in every sector. Industries are creating demand for a workforce with skills in 5G based technologies for manufacturing, network services, infrastructure, service, and retail segments”

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Digital Transformation & Policy Support Vital For Skilled Workforce

The wave of digitalization and emerging technology has not only made life easier, it has also been a vital contributor to the success of numerous educational organizations. Fortunately, our government and other relevant agencies have taken notice of this remarkable development.

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Reskilling: The Lead Enabler

As India invests in emergent technologies and big-ticket projects such as Smart Cities, PLI scheme and NDCP lead to a rise in demand for new skill-based jobs, a whole generation of frontline workforce needs to be skilled, reskilled or upskilled to match demand.

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