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Mohit Malhotra


The author is CEO, Dabur India

Latest Articles By Mohit Malhotra

Balancing Growth And Fiscal Discipline

The higher outlays on infrastructure development and agriculture will have a multiplier impact on the economy, while the changes in income-tax exemptions and slabs would go a long way in putting more disposable income in the pockets of the consuming class

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Sustainability In Action, Dil Se

From growing and sustainably cultivating medicinal herbs to engaging the consumers in reducing the negative impact of plastic pollution, our commitment to protecting and preserving the environment runs deep, covering all aspects of our business

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2020 Made Dabur A Fearless, Agile Organisation

The year 2021 will see Dabur drive business by investing aggressively behind our brands, staying focused on Health and Hygiene and driving innovation

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Strengthening The Rural Footprint

This Budget falls short of meeting the industry’s expectation of steps and fiscal stimulus to help abate the agrarian crisis that the country is witnessing today.

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