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Naseem Javed


Naseem Javed, a corporate philosopher and founder of the Image Supremacy Movement is a world recognized authority on global digital trends, image complexities how they impact business performances and create global age skill shifts. Mentorian Worldwide his new project on entrepreneurial leadership development is getting global attention.

Latest Articles By Naseem Javed

Micro Power Nations

Super powers nations have lost their powers to fix all the world, but now micro power nations can

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Sunrise, Day One, Year 2020

Knowledge-rich nations will have to re-learn how to compete and survive against highly agile and low-cost brilliance shining in dozens of new emerging powerhouse nations. The monopoly of knowledge has been shattered

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Common Sense Revolutions Have Started

Technological advancements helped to provide light, but when brightly lit chandeliers starts creating even more darkness, it's not the smoke and mirrors, but only common sense that will enable us to find the way out

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Age Of Abundance & President Trump

If Trumpization fails, the United States and the world will wake up to the realization that those nations that can get spell bounded with fake news must come to grip with the real and hidden powers of each and every citizen's single vote

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Are We Really Smart Enough For 2017?

Everyone is shouting about how dramatically the global world of commerce has evolved, changed and moved forward, but how about us and our own smartness? Victory constantly surrounds all of us all the times and taps us to open up and become victorious...let's open up and test our smartness, here are the seven tests

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Innovation India & Trump Nation

Innovation at best is like a water sprinkler on a nice healthy plant, making it grow and blossom; however, sprinkling without the plant is just like watering sand.

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Naming Of Family Business Empires

When family names are desired to become massive commercial successes and legendary icons the following critical points become prerequisite knowledge

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Trump And Bulldozers Of Prosperity

Trumpization of America, the strategic blueprint of Trump's election victory game plan, is now available as a working guide for the decimated senior political punditry and pollsters around the world

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The Seven Dwarfisms Of 2017

The following Dwarfisms are the hidden powers that allow us to freely dive deep and seek out 'self-mastery' because there is no other help along the way

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The Great Flood Of 2020

Never in history has there been such a serious risk to senior professionals. The first lines of shock are the deniers. However, they will be pushed aside by the massive technocalamity

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