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Naseem Javed


Naseem Javed, a corporate philosopher and founder of the Image Supremacy Movement is a world recognized authority on global digital trends, image complexities how they impact business performances and create global age skill shifts. Mentorian Worldwide his new project on entrepreneurial leadership development is getting global attention.

Latest Articles By Naseem Javed

Trudeau & Modi Linking Canada & India

Our great Prime Minster Justin Trudeau and great Indian Prime Minster Modi both lay out ideas of business collaboration while exploring closer ties of nouveau entrepreneurialism…

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Entrepreneurialisation Of Nations & WEF Davos 2018

With 100 nations in the race, working with progressive blueprints, a new thinking is emerging. New bold entrepreneurial mobilization actions are essential as a new and wide open world awaits

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Calling National Trade Associations & Chambers Of Commerce

Cyclones of artificial intelligence laced digital platforms like LinkedIn and baby-Alibaba models are coming like swarms. All around the world, such platforms will offer dramatically live interactive membership engagements and challenge old traditional association formats

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Ivanka Trump And Image Supremacy Of Women Entrepreneurialism

India could possibly lead in all numbers. All this by no means eliminate the role and significance what men have done and will continue to bring to the table. It’s the power of combination and optimizing gender-free human talents as the biggest national assets

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Mobilize Entrepreneurialism & Commercialize Innovation

The biggest national hidden treasure of country is its hidden entrepreneurial talent; massively un-tapped, un-discovered, and un-commercialized but ready for mobilization. What's stopping it?

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Tango Incompetencia

Success sometimes doesn't require absolute mastery but it does very often require you to become a master of ceremonies on collaborative synthesizim, lead the dance and lead the party

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2020: India & Innovative Election Platforms

Around the world there are dozens of very important elections coming up between now and 2020

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Fake Entrepreneurialism

What is Fake Entrepreneurialism, Naseem Javed opines

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National Mobilisation Of Entrepreneurialism: A Master Blue Print

Today for nations with challenging economical growth or make-believe grassroots prosperity programs, national mobilization of entrepreneurialism is a last powerful remedy left

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Talkative World

The world has moved forward so fast within the last year alone and its impact should not only be measured by how many new feature of technologies have been added to mobile devices, but rather how massive an impact it had made on the human psyche of the masses

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