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Indranil Sarkar


Indranil is a weather industry expert with a decade long experience in the domain. He has been instrumental in setting up novel weather services across landscapes for both agriculture and industry, raising capital and crafting a growth story for weather forecasting in India. Currently he is Senior Vice President of Express Weather.

Latest Articles By Indranil Sarkar

How To Reduce Our Carbon Footprint And Why Leonardo DiCaprio Is An Ideal

It is upon us as individuals and as a civilization to decide and act accordingly about what kind of earth we want to leave behind for our children and grandchildren.

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Northwest India Experiences Oppressive Heat

The sudden turn of fortunes in weather can be attributed to the approach of a fresh western disturbance

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Climate Change To Displace Millions In US; South Asia Remains At Greatest Risk

A study indicates that all 22 US coastal states will be hit by rising seas and California, New York, New Jersey will be the worst affected

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Scientists Make Major Breakthrough In Space Weather Forecasting

The sun has magnetic fields and electrical currents surrounding it in a region known as the heliosphere

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Climate Change To Cause More Weather Extremes

The study estimates around 500,000 people will die due to reasons related to dietary changes by 2050

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Warmer Summer And Wetter Monsoon Might Be Imminent

The late winter may soon be departed. A hot summer is sneaking around the corner. The monsoon may thankfully be normal

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Russian Winter Wars: How Napoleon & Hitler Floundered On Preparing For Russia's Winter

The failed Russian invasions however trounce all other instances where (cold) weather trammelled invaders' intents.

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India Needs Improved Supercomputing For Better Climate And Weather Modelling

Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore prides itself with the fastest supercomputer (a Cray XC 40 system) in the country with a peak computing power of 1.25 petaflops but is ranked only 96th in the top 500 list

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Heat Drives Zika’s Spread

Mosquitoes are by far one of the deadliest species on earth. Mosquito borne diseases are estimated to affect more than 700 million people globally every year

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Helping Farmers Through Timely Weather Forecasts

Weather predictions can help peasants decide the appropriate time to apply farm inputs like fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation

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