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Suhayl Abidi


Suhayl Abidi, is an MBA from FMS Delhi and Information Management from Leeds Polytechnic, UK. He is a consultant with Centre for VUCA Studies, Amity University & a practitioner in Organisational Learning and Knowledge Management with 25+ years of corporate experience including Reliance Industries, Essar and Piramal Group. He has co-authored two books “The VUCA Company”, “The VUCA Learner” and several articles

Latest Articles By Suhayl Abidi

Contract Pharma-The Neglected Sector

With significant investment in R&D, Indian CDMO industry can stay globally competitive and make an invaluable contribution to the country.

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Greensill Insolvency: Cautionary Tale for Indian Fintech

The government should consider giving the same weight to RMS as to statutory audits. These two steps will reduce, if not totally prevent excesses to a large extent.

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Anticipatory Strategy for the VUCA World: Foresight Makes the Difference

Have you done so? If not, do not delay! Let us generate critical thinking with a scientific reasoning.

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Horizon Scanning-Mapping the Future

As a society we’re focused on immediate problems and in so doing we’ve lost the skill and ability to think for the long term. Initiate Horizon scanning, if not yet started.

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Horticulture 4.0: The Plant Factories For Agricultural Exports

Marginal farmers with less than two hectares of land account for 86.2% of all farmers, but own just 47.3% of the arable land, not enough to farm marketable surplus as well as contribute to exports.

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India’s Competitor In Exports Is Not China But Industry 4.0

Can India reposition itself with the pandemic threatening life, disrupting the economy and on the other side a surge in demand for recreating the ‘New India’, post Covid-19?

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Leadership After Coronavirus: Explorers Show the Way in Healthcare

Coronavirus will change the complexion of all industries and many new opportunities will appear, weak signals of which are already being received.

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Mavericks: Innovators For The VUCA World

Mavericks may lead to unconformity, promoting imagination, independence at times belligerence. So, if you are looking at innovation, a disruptive one, look for these mavericks! Are you too a maverick?

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Book Review: The Anticipatory Organization: Turn Disruption and Change into Opportunity and Advantage

In this uncertain world, Futurist Daniel Burrus’s pathbreaking book The Anticipatory Organization comes a welcome respite from the tensions and stresses of forecasting into the foggy future where established practices such as strategic planning are not working

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De Novo & De Alio Innovating Firms In A VUCA World

The more complex and dynamic environment as in VUCA, the more will be the chances of firms engaging in innovation and inclining towards incremental or radical reforms

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