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Articles for Magazine 21 Sep 2024

Personal Finance, Reimagined By AI

As AI technology advances, it's becoming increasingly integrated into personal finance, streamlining processes and enhancing customer experiences

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"India Powers Philips’ Global Growth"

In an exclusive interview with BW Businessworld’s Rohit Chintapali, Philips CEO Roy Jakobs discusses global economic outlook and the company's strategic focus on leveraging India’s innovation and AI capabilities

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Seeds Of A Pervasive Coffee Culture

Rising coffee connoisseurship and appreciation of speciality quality coffee experiences that delight the senses is being witnessed at the premium end, writes the author

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Steering Businesses And Leadership In A VUCA World

Niranjan Hiranandani on the importance of emotional, social, and intellectual intelligence for effective leadership in a VUCA world

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Connecting 5G With Remotest Villages

Manoj Kumar Singh, DG, Digital Infrastructure Providers Association talks to BW about DBNs role in catalysing 5G roll out across villages. Excerpts:

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The Rise And Evolution Of Coffee Culture In India

The coffee market in India has immense scalability, and I am eager to see how this chapter unfolds in the coming years, writes the author

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Beanly: Fresh Brew, Big Ambitions

From startups to stores, Beanly’s Samyesh Khanna and Rahul Jain elevate India's coffee culture by making freshly brewed coffee a daily delight

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Tim Hortons: Cracking The Indian Code

Tarun Jain, CEO of Tim Hortons believes in creating an experience at cafes by blending global quality, local flavours and affordability

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The Fused Bulb

Good to remember that once the prefix “ex” – or “former” ─ comes before your title, you are a fused bulb. It doesn’t matter. Learn to live your life content with the knowledge that you had your time in the sun. And now that it’s history, it’s time to enjoy the memories. And stop harking for the trappings

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Towards Building An Energy Sustainable AI Future

The Economic Survey 2023-24 states that the global power demand from data centres can surpass 1000 Terawatt hours (TWh) by 2026, twice France and Germany's current net power demand, which stands at 500 TWh each

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