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Anirudhha Bose


As an Editorial Consultant for BW Businessworld, Aniruddha writes independently on investor awareness, correct financial planning & investing practices and the impact of regulatory developments on the personal finance ecosystem. He holds an MBA with distinction from Oxford.

Latest Articles By Anirudhha Bose

5 Steps To Secure Your Child’s Financial Future

Multiple surveys – and anecdotal evidence – suggest that investment in education is the topmost priority for Indian parents.

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Behavioral Biases That Lead To Asset Bubbles

Every few years, stratospheric prices give way to catastrophic asset bubbles. Every few years, we see stampeding herds of investors, armed with cash, powering through against all reason, fueling asset bubbles, shouting “this time it’s different, this time it’s different!”

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Five Things To Ask Your Financial Planner

Besides Life Insurance, ask your Planner if you need to up your health insurance coverage or switch over from your current plan to another plan. A single medical emergency can deal a crippling blow to your personal finances, so it’s best to have that base well-covered.

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Time Value of Money – And Your Investments

Some interesting nuances that come into play when it comes to this investing concept.

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Determinants Of Your Ideal Asset Allocation

What works for your friend may not work for you, and vice versa. Here are the key determinants of your ideal asset allocation, in a nutshell.

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Investor – Don’t Succumb To The Action Bias!

This behavioral bias, known as the “Action Bias”, has scarred many an investor over the years.

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The Seven Habits of Highly Successful Long-Term Savers

Here are the seven habits of those who are geared to create serious wealth from their long-term savings.

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Be Wary Of The Chimera

The trouble begins with retail investors acting on incomplete information. Only a very small fraction of investors actually take the pains to do any homework

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NIFTY Weekly Outlook – Bellwether Index Continues To Be Range Bound

The weekly charts have already started showing cracks, with signs pointing at a minimum correction of 500 points, towards the 20 week moving average. If it doesn't hold that support, we could very well witness a free fall to 14,000 levels quite quickly.

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5 Things Most Ultra HNI Investors Do Differently

When retail investors or HNI investors stargaze at Ultra HNI’s, they assume that the latter employ some special “secret” investing tricks which help them grow their investments at a supernormal pace.

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