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Anirudhha Bose


As an Editorial Consultant for BW Businessworld, Aniruddha writes independently on investor awareness, correct financial planning & investing practices and the impact of regulatory developments on the personal finance ecosystem. He holds an MBA with distinction from Oxford.

Latest Articles By Anirudhha Bose

Nuts And Bolts Of Emergency Fund Planning

Emergency fund planning is an important part of any financial plan. It ensures that you are prepared for unexpected events, such as job loss, medical bills, or home or car repairs

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What Is Action Bias And How Does It Affect Your Investments?

Action bias may also lead to investors making decisions without considering the long-term implications of their choices. Investors may become too focused on short-term gains and ignore the potential long-term consequences of their decisions. This can lead to investors making decisions that may not be in their best interest in the long run

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5 Buffett Principles To Keep In Mind In 2023

Here are five of his core tenets to keep in mind while investing in 2023

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How To Use Liquid Funds Smartly

Liquid funds invest into short term borrowings that are due to mature in a month or less, and this eliminates volatility to a large extent by cutting the interest rate sensitivity associated with the fund

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A Five Step Process For Meeting Your Financial Goals

Here are five things to keep in mind as you undertake the arduous journey towards the achievement of your financial goals

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How Debt Mutual Funds Score Over Fixed Deposits

Mutual Fund investors who had migrated from Fixed Deposits in the aftermath of the pandemic induced low interest rate regime are seriously considering reversing their tracks

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Mutual Fund SIP’s And ADHD Investing

Anecdotal evidence suggests that some frustration is already starting to build within SIP investors; particularly first timers who got in with a poor understanding of the non-linear nature of their returns. Will stopping your SIP’s and re-starting later help?

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Three Common Mutual Fund Myths

The mutual fund industry continues to grow at a scorching pace with the total Assets Under Management soaring past the 39 Lakh Crore mark last month. Investors – especially first timers, need to watch out for some commonly held beliefs related to MF investing. Here are three of them

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Four Money Things To Do Before 2022 Draws To A Close

As 2022 draws to a close, here are a few smart actions you should consider taking on the money front to optimize your portfolio in the new year

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Four Wealth Management Traps To Watch Out For

Wealth Managers have made quite a mark over the past few years. However, every now and then, we hear about disgruntled clients of Wealth Management outfit going up in arms against their money managers. Here are four common “Wealth Manager” traps to watch out for

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